Don’t laugh everyone – this is super simple.  The absolute best way to show someone you care is to actually care.  We talk about this a lot in sales training because no matter what your selling philosophy or methodology, sales is still a relationship business and the best way to build those relationships is to care about what’s important to the person you are dealing with.

Three simple ways to show your customers and prospects you actually care…

  1. Listen when they are talking.  I mean really listen.   This requires you to not think about what you are going to say next, but to focus on what they are telling you.  Sounds like a no-brainer, but trust me, unless this is already part of your make-up, it takes practice.
  2. Ask meaningful questions.  Be curious!  When you ask someone multiple follow-up questions, it demonstrates that you have been actively listening.  This leads to richer conversations and a more complete understanding of the person and their world.
  3. Keep your radar up for information that is relevant to them and would be appreciated by them.  But if you are going to send them something (especially an article or Linked-In post), be sure that you have fully read it and add your take-away or a sentence or two as to why you think it would be worth their time.

Start sharing the caring!

Categories: Sales Tips